Do Goldendoodles Like Water? Solid Truth

Goldendoodles are an amazing dog that have been gaining popularity in recent years, thanks to their friendly nature and hypoallergenic coat. One question that many people have about Goldendoodles is whether or not they like water. After all, many breeds of dog are known for their love of swimming and playing in the water, and it’s natural to wonder if Goldendoodles share this trait.

Do Goldendoodles Like Water?

Do Goldendoodles Like Water?

The answer, in short, is yes – most Goldendoodles do enjoy water. This is likely due to the fact that both of their parent breeds – Golden Retrievers and Poodles – are known for their love of water and swimming. However, as with any breed of dog, there are always exceptions to this rule, and some Goldendoodles may not be as enthusiastic about getting wet as others.

If you’re the proud owner of a Goldendoodle and you’re wondering whether or not your furry friend likes water, there are a few signs that you can look for. For example, if your Goldendoodle enjoys playing in the rain or splashing in puddles, it’s a good indication that they’ll enjoy swimming and playing in water as well. Additionally, if you take your dog to the beach or to a pool and they seem eager to jump in, it’s a safe bet that they’re a fan of water.

Physical Attributes of Goldendoodles

Coat Type

Goldendoodles have a unique coat that can vary depending on the type of Poodle that was used in the breeding process. Their coat can be wavy or curly and can range in color from cream to dark red. The coat is usually low-shedding and hypoallergenic, making it a great choice for people with allergies.

Their coat requires regular grooming to prevent matting and tangling. Brushing their coat once or twice a week and trimming it every few months can help keep it healthy and shiny.


Goldendoodles come in a variety of sizes, depending on the size of the Poodle used in the breeding process. They can range from small to medium to large, with some weighing as little as 15 pounds and others weighing up to 100 pounds.

Their size can also depend on whether they are a first-generation Goldendoodle or a multi-generational Goldendoodle. First-generation Goldendoodles are the result of breeding a Golden Retriever with a Poodle, while multi-generational Goldendoodles are the result of breeding two Goldendoodles together.


Goldendoodles can weigh anywhere from 15 to 100 pounds, depending on their size and the size of their parents. Smaller Goldendoodles typically weigh between 15 and 30 pounds, while medium-sized Goldendoodles can weigh between 30 and 45 pounds. Larger Goldendoodles can weigh up to 100 pounds.

It helps to remember that overeating or a lack of exercise can make Goldendoodles more likely to become obese. They can maintain a healthy weight with regular exercise and a well-balanced diet.

Goldendoodles and Water

Instinctual Behaviors

Goldendoodles are a mix of two breeds, Golden Retrievers and Poodles, both of which have a natural affinity for water. Golden Retrievers were originally bred to retrieve waterfowl, while Poodles were bred as water retrievers and hunters. As a result, Goldendoodles often inherit this instinctual behavior and enjoy being in and around water.

Training and Socialization

While some Goldendoodles may naturally take to water, others might require a bit of training and socialization before they feel comfortable. It’s essential that we patiently and positively introduce them to water while encouraging them with rewards and compliments. Another way to make them feel more at ease is to socialize them with other dogs who also love water-related activities.

Water Activities for Goldendoodles

Goldendoodles can enjoy a variety of water activities, such as swimming, fetching, and playing in the water. It is important to supervise them and ensure their safety, especially if they are not experienced swimmers. Some Goldendoodles may also enjoy water sports, such as dock diving or paddleboarding, which can provide both mental and physical stimulation. In summary, Goldendoodles often have a natural affinity for water, but may need some training and socialization to feel comfortable in it. They can enjoy a variety of water activities, but it is important to ensure their safety and supervise them at all times.

Caring for Your Water-Loving Goldendoodle

Grooming Tips

Giving your Goldendoodle a good rinse after swimming is essential to get rid of any salt or chlorine from their coat. By doing this, skin irritability and dryness can be reduced. To keep your dog’s coat healthy and shiny, use a shampoo and conditioner made especially for dogs. After a swim, routine care, such as brushing and clipping, can also help avoid matting and tangling.

Safety Precautions

While Goldendoodles love to swim, it’s important to always supervise them around water. Make sure they have a life jacket if they are swimming in open water or if they are not confident swimmers. Be aware of potential hazards such as strong currents, deep water, and sharp rocks or debris. Always provide a safe exit point for your Goldendoodle to get out of the water.

Hydration and Nutrition

Goldendoodles may swim as a great form of exercise, but they need water to keep them hydrated. Bring a bowl for your Goldendoodle to drink from and plenty of fresh water. Give them a little snack or meal following a swim to help replenish their energy. The optimal food for your Goldendoodle’s activity level and overall health should be discussed with your veterinarian.