How High Can a Goldendoodle Jump? The Shocking Truth!

I can still picture getting home from work and seeing my Goldendoodle jump up on me as I opened the door. Due to their caring and gentle personalities, Goldendoodles make wonderful pets. In addition to their many other fantastic qualities, they are also intelligent, athletic, and energetic breeds.

To help them succeed as working, sports, or companion dogs, people have bred dogs into countless shapes and personality kinds. Even so, when instinct takes over, some dogs don’t allow a fence or other barrier get in the way of their natural instincts. Goldendoodles can be excellent athletes, and as owners, we must not undervalue their capacity for running, jumping, and even climbing.

Being smart, athletic, and vibrant can, however, have its drawbacks. For example, if your Goldendoodle learns how high it can jump, it may cause issues if they use that skill to scale a backyard fence and then venture out into the world on their own.

How High Can a Goldendoodle Jump?

How High Can a Goldendoodle Jump

Although it primarily depends on their genetics and personalities, a full-sized Goldendoodle is capable of jumping 4 to 5 feet in the air or even as far as 7 feet as well. However, many Goldendoodle owners assert that their dog can jump high enough to climb over a fence since they will keep attempting until they succeed if the fence isn’t that high.

If your Goldendoodle is more like its golden parent, they will likely be able to jump as high as most large dogs, but if their other parent is a miniature poodle and they are little, they will only be able to jump 4 to 5 feet. Imagine a Goldendoodle leaping high onto a chain link fence and then using its paws to scale the last few inches of the fence to go over. If they have a high jumping dog who is also an escape artist, many Goldendoodle owners have witnessed this spectacle!

As an energetic breed, Goldendoodles have a tendency to jump a lot. Usually, they do so when they are pleased or too enthusiastic. However, if you don’t give them enough exercise, they may jump for attention or to join you in whatever you are doing. Having saying that, not all Doodles must scale a fence in order to get away. See how this Goldendoodle manages to scale the barrier.

When a Goldendoodle Jumping High Can Be Good

  • Getting into and out of a vehicle
  • Playing with a frisbee
  • Playing agility sports
  • Playing Ball Fetch
  • Jumping in and out of Bed
  • Jumping in and out of the water

When a Goldendoodle Jumping High Can Be Bad

  • Getting up and jumping on a child or an adult
  • Jumping a Fence to Get Away
  • Jumping while experiencing hip or leg ligament pain
  • Jumping On Furniture Without Requesting To
  • Jumping From A Moving Car
  • Jumping up on a table or counter
  • Jumping into the Bath (if water is in it)

Will Jumping Hurt My Goldendoodle?

Yes! It can. Goldendoodles are athletic and spirited, but ultimately gravity will take an effect, and they may land awkwardly, hurt a leg, or break a bone.

Jumping over a fence and agility jumping are two different activities. Jumping is a part of agility as your dog competes in a safe setting. Fence jumping may be an issue with behavior that has to be corrected.

Our Goldendoodles need to stay active. Physical activity is part of who they are.