Does Shaving a Goldendoodle Ruin Their Coat? The Truth You Need to Know

Shaving a Goldendoodle is a common practice among pet owners, but there is a lot of debate about whether it can damage their coat. Some believe that shaving can negatively impact the texture and style of the fur, while others argue that it is harmless. So, does shaving a Goldendoodle ruin their coat?

In most cases, shaving a Goldendoodle will not harm their coat. However, there are exceptions to this rule. Goldendoodle puppies and flat coat Goldendoodles should not be shaved as they have a thin, soft puppy coat that will eventually be shed and replaced with their adult coat. It is important to wait until the adult coat has grown in before shaving. Additionally, shaving a double coat can do long-term damage as the undercoat hair will grow back faster and sometimes crowd out the slower-growing guard hairs.

Why Are Goldendoodles Sometimes Shaved?

Does Shaving a Goldendoodle Ruin Their Coat?

Goldendoodles are a breed that is known for their soft and fluffy coats. Though, sometimes Goldendoodles are shaved for a variety of reasons. Here are some of the most common reasons why Goldendoodles are sometimes shaved:


Goldendoodles have long hair that can easily become matted if not brushed regularly. Matting occurs when the hair becomes tangled and knotted, and it can be painful for the dog. In severe cases, the matting can become so bad that it can cause skin irritation and infection. In such cases, shaving the dog may be the only option to remove the matted hair and alleviate the pain.


Goldendoodles can get dirty and smelly if they are not groomed regularly. Shaving the dog can make it easier to keep them clean and hygienic. Shaving can also help prevent skin irritation and infection caused by dirt and bacteria that can accumulate in the dog’s coat.


Goldendoodles may feel more comfortable in warmer weather if they are shaved. Shaving the dog can help keep them cool and prevent heatstroke. Additionally, some Goldendoodles may have trouble seeing or moving around if their hair becomes too long. Shaving the dog can help improve their vision and mobility.


Some Goldendoodle owners may choose to shave their dogs for aesthetic reasons. Shaving the dog can give them a different look and make them stand out from other dogs. Additionally, some owners may prefer the look of a shaved Goldendoodle over a fluffy one.

Having said that, Goldendoodles are sometimes shaved for reasons including matting, hygiene, comfort, and aesthetics. It’s crucial to remember that a Goldendoodle’s coat color and texture may change if they are shaved. Before deciding to shave your Goldendoodle, it is best to seek advice from a professional groomer.

How Often Should Goldendoodles Get a Haircut?

Goldendoodles have a coat that requires regular grooming and haircuts. The frequency of haircuts depends on the length of the fur and the owner’s preference. A shorter coat is easier to brush and maintain, while a longer coat may require more frequent grooming.

Most Goldendoodles should get a haircut every six to eight weeks. This timeframe can vary depending on the season and individual dog. During the summer months, when the weather is hot, it may be more comfortable for the dog to have a shorter coat. In contrast, during the winter months, a longer coat may provide more warmth.

It is essential to keep in mind that Goldendoodles have a puppy coat that will eventually be shed and replaced with their adult coat. Until this occurs at around six months of age, it is not recommended to shave their puppy coat. Doing so may cause permanent damage to their future adult coat. Therefore, it is best to wait until their adult coat comes in before getting a full haircut or groom.

If an owner prefers a longer coat, they may need to groom their Goldendoodle more frequently to avoid matting and tangling. Regular brushing can help prevent mats and tangles, but if they do occur, they may need to be trimmed out.

It’s safe to say, Goldendoodles require regular haircuts to maintain their coat’s health and appearance. Most Goldendoodles should get a haircut every six to eight weeks, but the frequency can vary depending on the season and individual dog. It is best to wait until their adult coat comes in before getting a full haircut or groom. Regular brushing can help prevent mats and tangles, but if they do occur, they may need to be trimmed out.


Shaving a Goldendoodle can have negative effects on their coat, but it does not necessarily ruin it permanently. Goldendoodles have a unique coat that is a mix of their Poodle and Golden Retriever parent breeds, and this coat serves several important functions. Shaving can cause the coat to grow back unevenly or change in texture, which can be problematic for the dog’s appearance and health.

However, in some cases, shaving may be necessary for medical or grooming reasons. If you are considering shaving your Goldendoodle, it is important to consult with a professional groomer or veterinarian to determine the best course of action. With proper care and attention, a Goldendoodle’s coat can remain healthy and beautiful for years to come.