Can Goldendoodles See in the Dark? Learn The Facts!

This is a common question asked by many of our readers as they are always curious when it comes to leaving their Goldendoodles in the dark. At some point, you may be wondering if your dog can see things just as you are able to see them. Well, that’s not the case.

Let’s start by saying that dogs do not see as many colors as we humans do. You may even hear several rumors about dogs being colorblind and if the light is off they will not be able to guide themselves around the house.

In this article, I’m going to explain everything you need to know about Goldendoodles and whether or not they can see in the dark.

Can Goldendoodles See in the Dark?

Can Goldendoodles See in the Dark

If it’s a case where you are worrying then you don’t have to anymore because your Goldendoodle can definitely see in the dark. It’s very much safe to have your dog roaming around in the house unsupervised at night.

This might sound a bit weird but your dog’s vision, in some instances, is better than a human would be. The thing is that dogs are said to be more nearsighted when compared to us humans, and they tend to see fewer shades of colors when it comes to them viewing certain objects.

Can Goldendoodles See in Pitch Black?

Even though dogs can see much better in the dark than us humans, they will definitely have a problem seeing in pitch black. However, it is safe to say that they will still have a better chance of seeing in pitch black compared to us.

The thing is that once your Goldendoodle can get a grainy picture of their surrounding, it will have a much easier time navigating around. The reason behind this is that dogs tend to have a vivid memory of how the place looks during the daytime.

Are Goldendoodles Afraid of the Dark?

It all has to do with the personality of your Goldendoodles since all dogs are different in their own way. While some Goldendoodles won’t mind staying in the dark you will definitely find some to be afraid and start to cry when they are left alone in it.

How to Maintain Goldendoodles Eyesight As They Grow Older?

Eye massage

The first thing we recommend doing is to give your dog some form of eye massage since this plays a role in blood circulation to the eyes. At this point, you’ll need your dog to remain calm and take your time and rub around the outer part of their eyes gently in a circular motion.


Another thing that we find to be effective is exercise, so we think you should take the time out and help your dog with exercises. It is said that their eyes are vulnerable to a toxin and in order to remove these toxins you’ll need to find a way for oxygen to circulate in their body and this can be done with exercising. You can simply start by taking your dog for a walk around the park.


This is super important and can definitely be effective since your Goldendoodle will need to have a balanced diet as this will help to keep their eyes healthy. It is best to provide them with a diet that contains vitamins A, B, C, and E, magnesium, zinc, etc.