Can Goldendoodles Eat Pizza? Solid Truth

It might be a case where you are consuming a slice of pizza and your dog begins to give you puppy eyes wanting a taste. At this point, you may be wondering if it is safe to feed pizza to your Goldendoodles.

Well, It is safe to say that pizza may not be the healthiest treat for your Goldendoodles to eat, and the reason for this is that it contains a considerable amount of salt and high-fat content.

With that said, in this article, we are going to explain everything you need to know about feeding Goldendoodles pizza and whether or not it is safe.

Can Goldendoodles Eat Pizza?

Can Goldendoodle Eat Pizza


No, we don’t think it would be a good idea to feed your Goldendoodles pizza since it is not considered to be healthy for them. Though feeding your dog a slice of pizza may not cause any harm, the pizza is known to contain ingredients such as garlic, onion and salt that can cause harm to your furry friend health.

Can Goldendoodles Eat Pepperoni Pizza?

The thing is that pepperoni is considered to be high in calorie and fat which may cause harm to your dog. While a single slice won’t necessarily hurt your pup, it is best to keep pepperoni out of their diet altogether just to be on the safe side.

Pepperoni is said to contain some protein, but it’s not the kind of meat your pup needs for health. If somehow your Goldendoodle have accidentally consumes excessive amounts of Pepperoni, they could experience salt poisoning which may lead to an increased in thirst, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain and lethargy.

Additionally, certain ingredients like onion and garlic powder should never be given to dogs as they can lead to stomach upsets that could necessitate an emergency trip to the vet.

Can Goldendoodles Eat Mushrooms Pizza?

Even though mushroom is said to provide an excellent source of protein and fiber. They should never be eaten raw as this could lead to digestive issues or even poisoning.

The thing is that cooked mushrooms can be given to your dog as a treat or on top of his food if they are organically grown and free from oils, butter, salts and seasonings.

However, if it is a case where your Goldendoodle has eaten a mushroom from pizza and displays signs of nausea or diarrhea, you should contact the veterinarian right away.

Can Goldendoodles Eat Pizza Sauce?

Pizza sauce is a very common topping for pizza. It comes in various flavors, from fiery to sweet. Generally, it’s made with tomatoes and sugars.

However, some ingredients in sauce may be toxic for Goldendoodles – particularly garlic and onions.

You may not know, but both ingredients belong to the Allium family and contain n-propyl disulfide and thiosulfate, which can lead to anemia in dogs when consumed in large amounts.

Can Goldendoodles Eat Cheese Pizza?

Apart from the sauce on pizza, cheese is one of the most beloved toppings you can find. Not only does it contain essential fatty acids, protein and calcium, but it’s also one of the healthiest options available.

However, the ASPCA warns that dogs may become lactose intolerant if they consume too much dairy. This condition could result in gas, bloating and abdominal discomfort for your pup.

Pancreatitis can also occur, which is more common among humans but potentially hazardous for dogs as well.

Can Goldendoodles Eat Pizza Crust?

If it’s a case where your Goldendoodles has a sensitive digestive system, you should definitely steer them away from pizza crust. The reason for this is because it actually contains ingredients which may be hazardous for dogs and could potentially cause an allergic reaction in them.

What Amount Of Pizza Is Enough For Your Goldendoodle?

The good news is that a small slice of pizza should not cause harm to your Goldendoodle if eaten in moderation. On the other hand, if they consume an abundance of pizza they could become very ill and at this point you will to contact your vet.

When it comes to feeding your pup, their size and health condition should be taken into consideration. A Mini Goldendoodle, for instance, will have a much smaller appetite than a larger Goldendoodle.


We strongly believe that It is best to keep pizza away from your Goldendoodles, whether they consume one slice or the entire pie! You can substitute pizza with healthier alternatives like fresh fruit or vegetables which is much safer for your canine friend to eat.