Can Goldendoodles Eat Animal Crackers? Learn The Truth!

Once you have a home with kids in it, we can guarantee that there are animal crackers in the kitchen somewhere laying around. These cookies can be tasty and are available in many different fun shapes, but are they safe for Goldendoodles to eat?

In this article, I’m going to explain everything you need to know about animal crackers and whether or not they are safe for you to feed your Goldendoodles.

Can Goldendoodles Eat Animal Crackers?

Let’s start by saying that animal crackers are not considered to be toxic for dogs as long as they don’t contain Xylitol or chocolate in them. So, what this means is that animal crackers are entirely safe for Goldendoodles to eat. It is highly unlikely that your canine friend will experience any adverse reaction after eating them.

However, we still don’t think it is safe for you to feed it to them regularly. Animal crackers are known to be made with mostly sugar and oils which can actually result in your dog gaining an excessive amount of weight.

Not only that but feeding them diets that contain too much sugar can also lead to obesity. Obesity can increase the risk of your furry friend having heart disease, diabetes, joint problems, and even cancer.

To ensure that your Goldendoodles live the healthiest life possible is to keep all sugary snacks away from them at all costs.

Can Goldendoodles Eat Plain Animal Crackers?

Can Goldendoodles Eat Animal Crackers

If it’s a case where you are thinking of giving your Goldendoodle every once in a while, then we think it would be best if you feed them the plain ones as this would be the safest option for them. It is said to have the least amount of calories and sugars.

Can Goldendoodles Eat Chocolate Animal Crackers?

The truth is that there isn’t enough chocolate in chocolate animal crackers to actually cause your Goldendoodles any harm especially if they’ve only eaten one or two. However, we still think it is best to keep it away from your canine friend.

The thing is that chocolate animal crackers may lead to your dog having an upset stomach. They are also known to have too many calories which are bad for their health.

Can Goldendoodles Eat Frosted Animal Crackers?

There is no doubt that the ingredients in frosted animal crackers are not toxic to dogs, but we still don’t think they are a healthy choice for them to eat. Let’s start by saying that iced animal crackers are known to be high in calories, sugars, and unhealthy fats. This is why you should refrain from feeding your Goldendoodles any.

Can Goldendoodles Eat Organic Animal Crackers?

Once the organic animal crackers that you are planning on feeding them are low in calories and sugar, it might be safe for them to eat only in small quantities. It is said that even organic animal crackers are high in calories, sugar, and oils. This is why you should not let your furry friend consume it regularly and make sure to feed them in moderation.

Are Animal Crackers Bad For Goldendoodles?

Yes, there is no doubt that animal crackers are unhealthy for Goldendoodles to consume.

If it’s a case where your Goldendoodles eat too many calories without doing many activities, it will cause them to gain weight and it will pose a threat to their overall health.

The treat that you feed to your dog should be low in calories and doesn’t contain too much sugar. And the thing is that animal crack is said to have too much sugar.


If you were to feed your Goldendoodles animal crackers the plain ones would be the best option. However, you should keep a close eye on the amount they eat and how often they eat. You should never allow your canine friend to eat too much sugar and calories as this can lead to them having health issues.