Do Black Goldendoodles Change Color? Learn The Facts

Goldendoodles come in various colors, including black, which is a popular choice among many pet owners. Nonetheless, some owners might ponder whether black Goldendoodles undergo color changes as they age.

In this article, we will explain everything you need to know about black Goldendoodles. We will also discuss the factors that can affect a Goldendoodle’s coat color and how to care for their coat to keep it looking healthy and vibrant.

Do Black Goldendoodles Change Color?

It is safe to say that black Goldendoodles do change color, but the extent and timing of these changes can vary from dog to dog.

The coat color of a Black Goldendoodle is determined by the genes that it inherits from its parents. While the Poodle side of the family is responsible for the black coloration, the Golden Retriever side can introduce other colors and patterns. As a result, some Black Goldendoodles may have more variation in their coat color than others.

Potential owners of Black Goldendoodles should be aware that these dogs might not always look exactly like they did as puppies. While some canines may change their color, others might just see a gradual fading of their black coat over time. Nevertheless, Black Goldendoodles remain a beloved breed that can make wonderful companions for families and individuals alike.

What are Black Goldendoodles?

Do Black Goldendoodles Change Color?

Black Goldendoodles are hybrid dogs that are a cross between a Golden Retriever and a Poodle. They are known for their friendly and outgoing personalities, intelligence, and hypoallergenic coats.

Goldendoodles come in a variety of colors, including black, white, cream, gold, and red. However, black Goldendoodles are relatively rare and highly sought after by many dog lovers.

Their coats are typically curly or wavy and require regular grooming to prevent matting and tangling. Black Goldendoodles are also known for their high energy levels and love of exercise, making them great companions for active families.

The Genetics of Coat Color

Dominant and Recessive Genes

The genetics of coat color in Goldendoodles is complex and influenced by a variety of factors. Coat color is determined by the interaction of multiple genes, some of which are dominant and others recessive. Dominant genes are those that will always be expressed in the phenotype, even if only one copy of the gene is present. In contrast, recessive genes will only be expressed if two copies of the gene are present.

In Goldendoodles, the dominant gene for coat color is the one that produces shades of cream, apricot, and red. This gene is inherited from the Golden Retriever side of the breed. The intensity of the inherited gene determines the shade of color.

The recessive genes that control coat color in Goldendoodles are inherited from the Poodle side of the breed. These genes produce a wide variety of colors, including black, chocolate, gray, and parti-colors (white with patches of another color).

Pigment Production

Coat color in Goldendoodles is also influenced by the production of pigments. The two pigments that determine coat color are eumelanin (black pigment) and phaeomelanin (red and yellow pigment). The genes that control the production of these pigments are also inherited from both the Golden Retriever and Poodle sides of the breed. In general, the more eumelanin a dog produces, the darker its coat color will be.

The production of pigments can be influenced by a variety of factors, including age, nutrition, and exposure to sunlight. As Goldendoodles age, they may begin to produce less pigment, resulting in a lighter coat color. In summary, the genetics of coat color in Goldendoodles is complex and influenced by multiple factors. Dominant and recessive genes, as well as pigment production, all play a role in determining coat color.

Factors That Affect Coat Color


Goldendoodle puppies are born with a dark coat that may change as they mature. The coat color of a Goldendoodle puppy can change as they grow older, and most Goldendoodles will lighten or fade in color as they age. This is due to a natural process called “Progressive Graying,” which is a characteristic inherited from their Poodle genes. Most Goldendoodles’ coats will begin to change color when they are 5 to 8 months old.


A Goldendoodle’s diet can also affect their coat color. A diet that is lacking in certain nutrients can cause a dull and patchy coat. Feeding your Goldendoodle a well-balanced diet that includes essential nutrients such as protein, vitamins, and minerals can help maintain a healthy coat color.


The environment in which a Goldendoodle lives can also affect their coat color. Sun exposure can cause the coat to fade or lighten over time. If your furry friend spends most of their time outside, then it’s likely that their coat will fade due to sun bleach. Additionally, exposure to harsh chemicals or pollutants can also affect the coat color of a Goldendoodle.


The overall health of a Goldendoodle can also impact their coat color. Allergies, skin conditions, and other health issues can cause a dull or patchy coat. Regular visits to the vet can help ensure that your Goldendoodle is healthy and that any health issues that may affect their coat color are addressed.

As you can see, there are several factors can affect the coat color of a Goldendoodle. Age, diet, environment, and health can all play a role in the color and appearance of a Goldendoodle’s coat. By providing a well-balanced diet, protecting them from harsh environmental factors, and ensuring their overall health, you can help maintain a healthy and vibrant coat color for your furry friend.

Black Goldendoodles Changing Color

Puppy Coat

When Black Goldendoodle puppies are born, they usually have a solid black coat. But as they age, their coat can begin to change color. Some may have a grayish or blueish tint to their coat, while some may take on a salt-and-pepper appearance. A dilution gene that is inherited from the Poodle side of the family is what causes this shift in color.

Adult Coat

As Black Goldendoodles mature into adults, their coat color may continue to change. It is not uncommon for their coat to lighten or darken as they age. However, not all Black Goldendoodles will experience a significant change in color. Some may maintain their solid black coat throughout their life.

Shedding and Regrowth

Black Goldendoodles are known for their low shedding coats, which can be a major selling point for people with allergies. The color of their coat can be affected by shedding and renewal, though. The coat may appear lighter after shedding, while regrowth may make it appear darker. It’s crucial to remember that shedding and regrowth are natural processes and should not raise any alarm. As a result of a dilution gene inherited from the Poodle side of the family, Black Goldendoodles may eventually change color. Nonetheless, not every Black Goldendoodle will have a noticeable shift in color, and shedding and regrowth can also affect how the coat looks. Keep in mind that every dog is different and could have a different coat color or patterns.


Black Goldendoodles are a beautiful and unique breed that have become increasingly popular in recent years. As a result, many people are curious about whether their black Goldendoodle will change color over time.

While it is true that most Goldendoodles will experience a change in coat color as they age, this is not always the case for black Goldendoodles. The black coloration in these dogs is the result of a recessive gene, and as such, their coat color is less likely to change than that of other Goldendoodles.

That being said, it is important to remember that every dog is unique, and there is no guarantee that your black Goldendoodle will maintain its color throughout its life. Additionally, there are other factors that can influence coat color, such as genetics, diet, and environment.

With that said, if you are considering getting a black Goldendoodle, it is important to do your research and talk to a reputable breeder or veterinarian to learn more about the breed and what to expect. With proper care and attention, your black Goldendoodle can be a wonderful addition to your family for years to come.